Need therapy?

I mean who the fuck doesn't?

How it started

Cold. Dark. The human condition appalls me. Every thought, every emotion so intricately bound together. You try and pin one down, as you are the hunter and it is the prey. Catch it, kill it. It always slips from your hands, at the very last moment, a cruel joke. Every experience, that time you dropped a pen in class, that time your car broke down in the middle of trafId reprehenderit nostrud commodo in consequat tempor.

How it ended

Cold. Dark. The human condition appalls me. Every thought, every emotion so intricately bound together. You try and pin one down, as you are the hunter and it is the prey. Catch it, kill it. It always slips from your hands, at the very last moment, a cruel joke. Every experience, that time you dropped a pen in class, that time your car broke down in the middle of traffic, that time your grandma died, that time you saw your mother cry for the first time. Big or small, it made you into who you are, things almost written in stone, make up a soul. There is nothing wrong with you. There is everything wrong with you. You're alive. Both bound by the weight of your soul and the weight of existence. A puppet without strings. There is no cure for the human condition. Don't you see? It doesn't end. It never ends.


monthly plans

Get over it

Qui in labore esse magna excepteur elit voluptate reprehenderit ex.

Just stop being depressed?

Just go outside more often?

No refunds




Qui in labore esse magna excepteur elit voluptate reprehenderit ex.





I gotchu fam

Qui in labore esse magna excepteur elit voluptate reprehenderit ex.

Never gonna give you up!

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you!



Get In Touch

Contact us

Pariatur ex aliqua dolore eiusmod esse anim.

+47 80 88 80 80

Sesame Street Poland 9023

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Proident nulla nostrud laboris eiusmod consectetur. Reprehenderit.